Wednesday, March 12, 2008

About Me

Mitchell Ozog (Mieczysław Ożóg) was born in Poland in 1958.

He study philosophy, History and Political Science and for many years he has been a consumer some affairs in his country and abroad; especially fascinated with politics.
After beginning of Polish Revolution in 1980, he was involved democratic opposition in SOLIDARITY movement Independent Workers Union established by Polish workers.
When martial law was declared, in December 1981 in Poland, He and his wife were arrested and held in internment camps for few months(1982).
When SB (Secret Police) disclosed his political involvement, he got arrested and remained in prison, since that he was constantly oppressed by SB (frequently arrested and prohibited on employment as punishment).
In 1984, he joined to PPN, Polish Independent Party (Polska Partia Niepodleglosciowa) where he remained until 1988.
He was one of the founders and Editor-in-Chief of THOUGHTS - (MYSLI) underground newspapers published illegally, in Wroclaw and member Fighting Solidarity (Solidarnosci Walczacej).
In 1988 he and his wife with two sons left Poland to settle in USA.
He has been pursuing his carrier in photography and Graphic design. He studied Graphic Design (Graphic Design Technology (Design Option) Associate in Applied Science Degree) at WCC (Visual Arts) in Ann Arbor, MI.
Awards In 1992 and 1993 awarded by Photography Forum Magazine - Best Photography and by American Photo Magazine - Best Photography in 1994. Also, awarded by Web site in 2000 for Best Photo of a day. 2003 Golden Web Award - The International Association of Web Masters and Designers. 2003/04/05/06 Masonic Educational Websites Certified of excellent - Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry.
In 2001 he become member of Ann Arbor Fraternity Lodge No.262
And 32° Mason Scottish Rite Valley of Detroit
Also hi is member of Michigan Lodge of Research & Information, No. 1.
Bonisteel Masonic Library – Vice President, and Editor-in-Chief of THE RISING POINT - INTERNATIONAL Masonic REVIEW.
For more information about Mitch please visit web site:
Mitch’s web site -
Bonisteel Masonic Library web site –

Links -



Solidarnosci Walczacej


WCC - Visual Arts

My life not done yet, so please check out web site soon for more information about me and my job.
